Katzman Estate Law

2090 Wyandotte St E Unit 201, Windsor, ON N8Y 5B2

+1 844-602-4242


An Estate Lawyer on Your Side

Initial phone calls are always free

You need an estate lawyer when:

  • You need to prove the validity of a will by obtaining probate. 

  • You want to go beyond what a will provides.  You are not always stuck with what a will gives you, especially if you were married to the deceased person or in a common law relationship with the deceased.  Learn more on this website under the Types of Cases heading, in particular the Spousal Election and Dependant Support Claim sections;

  • An estate trustee refuses to provide you with your inheritance,  information, or documents;

  • A bank account was held jointly between a deceased person and their adult child;

  • An estate trustee fails to act in the best interests of beneficiaries and creditors; or

  • You want to prove that a will is invalid.

As several strict and short time limits apply to estate litigation, you should call Katzman Estate Law today if you have concerns.  We want to hear what you have to say and will never charge you for an initial phone call.  An estate litigation lawyer or probate lawyer can provide you with much-needed context for your issue.

Beyond simply meeting time limits, we assertively push matters forward towards their conclusions.  For representation that will bring movement to your file, call Katzman Estate Law.